For links to press releases about Perio Notes or Perio Protect events, please click below:
A patient with 133 bleeding sites and periodontal probing depths of up to 7 millimeters had a strong gag reflex and severe dental anxieties, so she resisted invasive dental treatments. The Perio Protect Method was used for this patient with excellent results. See full story on TheOrkosAward.com.
PR Leap -
AAOSH - Dental Town - CBS Business Net -
Dentistry IQ - PennWell
This patient came to Dr. Terry Deeter with all sites bleeding and periodontal pocket depths up to 6mm (1-3mm is considered healthy). Perio Trays by Perio Protect were fabricated for this patient and the results were outstanding. Superb results were achieved in five months and maintained. At the one-year mark, only 2% of this patient's sites were bleeding. Full story can be found on TheOrkosAward.com.
PR Log
A patient with 100 percent of their sites bleeding and many very deep periodontal pocket depths was treated using the Perio Protect Method and laser assisted periodontal therapy. By the end of treatment, the patient's bleeding went down to 1%. See periodontal probing charts at TheOrkosAward.com.
I-Newswire - Press Release
Bleeding is a very important indicator for gum disease because if a patient's gums are infected and they have an open ulceration, there is a possibility that the infection from the periodontal disease (gum disease) could be introduced into the body via the blood stream. This patient had phenomenal results with her gum treatment. See the report on TheOrkosAward.com.
PR Leap - Dentistry IQ - Pennwell - Dentistry Today - Dental Town
A patient with profuse bleeding on probing and periodontal pockets up to 6mm was helped with the minimally invasive Perio Protect Method of treating gum disease. This patient was very pleased with the positive changes he experienced. Photos and video can be found on TheOrkosAward.com.
PR Leap - Dentistry Today - Inside Dentistry - Perio Education - Dentistry IQ - PennWell
To contact Perio Protect concerning Perio Notes, please email support@perioprotect.com or call 1-877-434-GUMS (4867).